UK television aired a series called Secrets of the Living Dolls, about men who dress up in rubber suits and masks, giving them the appearance of walking sex dolls. “Maskers” mask for a variety of reasons that were mentioned but not exactly explored…...
While they may have been called this a Dental Bidirectional Key back in the 18th century I prefer to call this primitive tool a whole lot of %$#**%## pain. While the dentist has this little puppy clamped down on your tooth you just might want to have your will written...
You can bet that funeral customs back in the 18oos were much different than they are today. How so you ask? Well for starters, funerals were held in the home of the deceased. Back in the day funerals were very much a public affair as the body would be displayed in...
I find this heartbreaking but at the same time satisfying. I’m assuming these brave women of the Dani Tribe from the central highlands of western New Guinea (Indonesian Province of Papua) feel that way when they do this to themselves. It’s a part of their...