If you think of anything we haven’t covered here, please drop us a note.
Q: Where do get your material?
A: It’s a way of life for us. We are on the hunt for unique and interesting material literally 24/7. Our mission is to stay true to the theme of the shop, everything no mater value, size, age or origin has to have ‘wow’ factor. You won’t find a teacup in our shop unless of course it has a 19th century taxidermy bird nesting in it.
Q: Do you allow pictures and video in the shop?
A: Without hesitation yes! we welcome the attention and love it when you share your experience in your social media.
Q: Do you charge admission?
A: We’re asked this all the time becasue of the scope of our collections, often people immediately get that museum feel and even suggest that we should charge admission. We’ll never do that we enjoy your company as much as curating the collections, after all what’s anything worth if you can’t show it off.
Q: Do you rent out your space for photoshoots?
A: We have made the shop available to a number of photographers for everything from model shoots to engagement photos. We offer this free of charge although be forewarned the shop is packed, you’ll have to do a little work to capture that perfect shot but the reward is well worth the effort.
Q: Do you rent out your material as props?
A. We have developed many relationships with phtographer’s as well as major film and television productions. Some of our favourites include Umbrella Academy, Reign, Hand Maid’s Tale, American Gods, The Strain, Hannibal, Anne with an E, Murdoch Mysteries, Shadowhunters and more. Many of our clients have coined the phrase “spot the prop” while watching some of these shows knowing it comes from our shop.
Q: Do any celebrities shop the Cabinet?
A: You’ll have to ask that question in person 🙂
Q: How often do you update your website?
A: Admittedly keeping up with inventory on the website is not neccessarily a strong suit. It’s really a teaser for a personal visit. For every item you’ll find on the site there’s hundreds of equally fascinating pieces on the shelves in the shop. We’re actively working towards streamlining this process, and we always welcome subtle reminders to upload more product.
Q: Do you have want lists for customers?
A. Absolutely, we’ll be automating this process soon but for now send us an email or contact us by phone, we’ll check or existing inventory, if we don’t have anything specific enough we’ll see what we can do to source it for you, and we’ll certainly add you to a list and notify you when something comes in, with no obligation of course.
Q: Do you offer Gift Certificates?
A: Short answer is Yes. We’ll create a custom certificate for you in any denomination that will stay on file and be redeemable for as long as you have it.
Q: What forms of payment do you take?
A: We currently accept, credit cards through Square (unortunately AMEX doesn’t participate), E-transfers, Paypal and of course cash.
Q: Do you ship items?
A: All materials on our site and in the shop are available for shipping, the only qualifier being some material is sensative for certain locations. If you are unsure of regulations in your area please contact us to discuss. Restrictions may apply to certain pieces of victorian taxidermy, animal skulls or human medical specimens. After we investigate any regulations and confirm there are no restrictions we will provide you options for shipping.
Q: Do you purchase items?
A: Absolutely, single items, collections or entire estates. We’ll walk you through the free evaluation with no obligation. If we can’t use the material for any reason we’ll offer suggestions as to the best options available to you. We can offer general evaluations by photographs through text or email or in person if possible. We purchase in person at the shop, visit you at your location (distance has never been an issue) or complete our business through online transactions and shipping.
Q: What type of material do you buy?
A: While our specialty is Curiosities and Oddities we deal in all manner of antiques and collectables as well. We participate in many different shows and markets, each venue has it’s own unique theme and audience.
Q: Do you take consignments?
A: Yes we do. Currently consignments are handeled on per piece or collection basis. We work with the consigner to determine an agreed market value, establish a selling price and determine a commision rate.
Cabinet of Curiosities is one of my favourite places in the city of Hamilton. Really, it’s a museum at which you can take the exhibits home. Mark knows his field, almost as if he was present at the time each artifact was created, used, or discovered. For me, as a film-maker and author, the shop gives me so much inspiration. Apparently, Hollywood feels the same way, as they often rent Mark’s treasures when they shoot films in town. This shop is highly recommended.